nobody knows what his plan is. >> yeah. it's really complex but now that he has got ryan on the ticket, i think they are newly focused on. >> they may like that ryan has a plan. >> bill: they have to be specific and keep it simple. ms. omero, you know this guy dick morris do you know who he is. >> yeah. >> bill: little guy, he has a web site that he runs around telling everybody door to door. dick morris, he says that if it's close, the challenger always wins. always. because there is one ebb at this time that is well known, the president -- entity that is well known, the president. the challenger is not well known. i will put forth that most challengers do not know who mitt romney is. know the name. certainly don't know paul ryan. yet it's so close. doesn't that worry people in the democratic precincts? >> well, i think everyone expected this race to be close. and i'm not surprised that it's close in this poll and in other polls. >> bl: why aren't you surprised? look, if he -- >>- divided. >> bill: if president obama is as good as you and other democratic stall stall worths

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