reaction, joining us from washington, republic pollster kristen soltis, also democratic pollster margie omero, am i making any mistakes ms. omero. >> i think there are a few things to look at this poll. the poll as you mentioned bipartisan, great shot, folks over there do a great job. i think it's important to look at the differences between how the president -- how to view the president and romney on medicare. one of the things in the poll that has the largest differences was on medicare. everything else is really -- >> bill: why does that matter? i mean, look, the key thing in the poll is the independents breaking for romney in all the states. >> that's true. they behave more like republicans in that poll. >> bill: yeah. if that holds and then we'll have a new president. but, when you get into medicare, taxing, whatever the issue may be, ms. soltis, it doesn't really matter in the polls. what matters is the bottom line. right now you have these swing states going over to romney,