i got more. now, here is more, mixed martial arts. elbow, pull it in. now on the deck -- >> steve: if the navy seals are watching, i should not be one. >> row your boat, arms out, extend the leg, just like that. couple of those. >> steve: that's kind of hard. >> yeah, works your core, hip flexors. >> steve: i don't think i have a core. one more. >> ready? jump in the air. one and dawn. two. three. >> steve: how often does paul ryan do this? >> almost every day. >> steve: so when it comes to fitness to be vice president, he could be the most fit vice president? >> i would imagine so. he and abe lincoln were the two, or george washington. >> steve: wait a minute, they did p 90 x? >> no, no x in those days. >> steve: real pleasure. >> thank you very much. great being here.