convention has taken place. the president has done this totally differently than any incumbent in the modern era. he started negative, he stayed negative and made it personal and republicans thought well he won't dare, the president does and it had some good tpheb. now romney is fighting back, maybe that will work. megyn: good to see you sir. these are far from the first controversial comments from our advice president as you know. as the campaign heads into the final months we'll take a little look of it later on about whether mr. biden is getting a p-s an pass and is that fair? fox news is america's election headquarters. the republican convention less than two weeks away and "america live" will be live from the convention beginning on august 27th. 1:00pm eastern. we will be here in our normal time slot, we will be live on the scene in tampa, and we will also be live in prime-time. bret baier and yours truly will be co-hosting our prime-time election coverage along with our fox news political team not just