here is paul ryan a little bit more than a year ago presenting his budget. take a listen. >> instead of taking 20 cents out of every dollar made in america to pay for the federal government, my children will have to take 40 cents out of every dollar. that means double the tax burten. that means a diminished future. the president is basically saying those people in congress who want to keep this government size relative to where it has historically been, who want to keep it, who want to keep it basically limited, are crazy. gregg: look, ford, ryan may energize the base, fiscal conservatives, tea partiers, but, what about those all important independent and swing voters? does he attract them, or, alienate them? >> well, look in his congressional district, i mean he is able to swing voters, both sides of the aisle into his favor. i think what the ryan vp choice sends is a clear message to independents that mitt romney is serious about