president obama, gives him about 2% to 3% of the popular vote. am i wrong on that? >> i don't know if i would calculate it 2% to 3%. i think it's really hard to put a speck number to t. i think what you can look at in swick states and divorce are getting a lot of their information and that has changed over the last couple of cycles. you have influx of television ads and a lot of negative advertisements way earlier than we usually have and voters are looking at that, too just as much as a voter turns on the tv and sees a quick news clip and also watching a television advertisement. these are also a source of information for a lot of voters. so keep that in mind seeing those ads hurt sherrod brown the liberal senator there. doctor, do you teach in summer classes at charlottesville? are you teaching anything this summer. >> absolutely. always teach. >> bill: so you are teaching,