chick-fil-a. >> eric: exactly. >> bob: i don't care. the good news for us is when you have something like this, essentially a values debate. republicans get on the values territory, the sarah palin of the world come out and it moves everything to the right. that's what has happened here. you may have gotten away before. if you let it alone maybe it would have had bite. but now you have everybody who reminds people that republican and the values agenda is way off. >> eric: why we continue this discussion, i asked twitter and facebook to send me pictures of you guys in chick-fil-a. sent me a bunch of them. producers picked a few. we'll roll those why we go. it's not a gay rights debate. the little guy. is he a bigot that little guy? just standing by a chick-fil-a. these are people who enjoy chick-fil-a. it has nothing to do with the gay rights. >> dana: the whole thing is eat more chicken. >> greg: stupid, stupid