it hasn't been much income created over the last couple of years. consumers are starting to get more anxious and starting to say, let's wait and see what's happening with the economy before we make to that he is major purchase. >> soft consumer spending, it's an endless cycle. it feeds on itself and the economy can't recover, if that's the case. >> consumer spending is the main engine for economic growth and if consumers aren't spending, businesses can't expand and hire. >> manufacturers are worried about flowing global sales, they're worried about what's happening with tax and regulatory policy. so much is on hold right now until the election takes place that manufacturers are really uncertain. there's a lot of anxiety out there. >> anxious about what will happen to tax rates, federal spending, to health care costs, a cloud of uncertainty that darkens the business climate. >> given those problems, i understand why folks would be reluctant to hire more workers or expand their operations. >> employers also say what they see as burdensome regulations. >> not just the number of

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