americans receiving welfare are not likely to be supporting mitt romney. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. governor romney in london for the opening of the olympics. in response, pro-obama folks have put out this ad. >> welcome to the olympics. there is mitt romney who ran the salt lake city games. waving to china. home to it a billion people. thousands owe their jobs to mitt romney's. india, which also gained jobs thanks to romney and outsourcing pioneer. and burma where romney had the uniforms made for the 2002 games. we know the swiss have a special place in mitt romney's wallet or heart. he kept millions in swiss banks. [ laughter ] those swiss sure know how to keep a secret. >> bill: with us now, carl rove. that ad was taken out by a group called priorities u.s.a. super pac supporting obama. you have a super pac crossroads supporting mitt romney. was that ad effective?

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