gotten tremendous heat. you see other things. i mean, not only this, but other things are leading to a point where as of yesterday, romney is leading in various polls and doing very well. people are not wanting to hear that when you look at what has happened with this country, how this country has built itself up from its boot straps. i mean, how they ito have worked. people have worked so hard. forget donald trump. i mean people -- and i do work hard and i am proud of that -- but people are working hard and then to hear a statement like this. they don't like it. >> greta: vice-president biden has said that the wealth doe very, very well and do not need a tax cut. now i think it's indeed true that donald trump, you dunted need a tax cuts. but tell me how a tax cut, or the continuation of the existing tax rate for you, what it does for you, in terms of job creation? are you more likely to create more jobs if it stays as it is or not?