out, they were out to prop up the fat cats on wall street. and the big banks while mom and pop on main street pretty much got screwed. >> and every critical juncture when an opportunity and a decision was made to make a choice, the choice was to help the banks whether it was with the housing program, whether it was with shovelling money into the banks without any conditions or strings attached, time and time again to put the interest of the banks over -- >> the thing about this tarp is like making sausage, you don't want to see how it's done and you were revealing where the money was going and how it just was not there. and tim geithner who at one point you felt was going to throttle you, you had this exchange. here's a quote from the book. neil, tim geithner says to you, i have been the most blanking, transparent secretary of the treasury in this country since higher bleep in history. nobody has made the banks disclose the type of blank that i made them disclose after the stress test. no one, and now you're saying that i haven't been bleeping