isn't howard sitting this? you should be on "american idol"! >> i would love to be on "american idol" judge in a second. jlo can replace roberts on the supreme court, unless she doesn't need the robe. she looks better without it. redo the show. >> bill: you and roberts. >> we do a hybrid where we combine "american idol" and "hunger games" and each week the loser has to run for his life. that is what would reinvigorate that show. >> bill: i want everybody to write this to fox broadcasting and say miller has got to replace the aerosmith guy. do we know where he's going? where do aerosmith guys go? >> at this point, i can't tell the aerosmith guy from a senior -- >> bill: when i first saw this guy i thought he was a comanche indian. i thought this was a western. i thought they were going to have, like, bringing back wagon train. >> i crossed paths with him, billy. he's funny.

Related Keywords

Judge ,Supreme Court ,American Idol ,Second ,The Robe ,Jennifer Lopez ,Isnt Howard ,Jeanine ,Bill ,Life ,Everybody ,Show ,Hybrid ,Loser ,Fox Broadcasting ,Hunger Games ,Guy ,Point ,Aerosmith ,Say Miller ,Guys Go ,Back ,Billy ,Senior ,Paths ,Comanche Indian ,Western ,Wagon Train ,

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