off the coast of the europe nighted arab emirates south of dubai and strait of hormuz one of the world's most important shipping lanes. comes over tension of critical waterway. iran repeated threats to block the strait in response to western bands on iranian crude. fox news has confirmed new details about the boat in today's incident. we now know it carried the flag of the uae and we're learning now about who was on that boat. jennifer griffin with more from the pentagon tonight. who was on it. >> four indians on board and two passengers from the emirates. one indian was killed and three indians were injured. u.s. navy officials say that the u.s. in its boat exhausted all warning measures sounding radio, loud speakers, flashing lights and fired warning shots before using lethal force against the pleasure craft vessel as it approached the navy oil tanker for a second time. one defense official said that the 50-foot boat initially turned away and then came back