he will host the "journal editorial report" at 2:00 p.m. eastern time here on fox news channel. jenna: this big story. pressure is growing on treasury secretary tim geithner. a new report is suggest that he knew banks were lying how well they are doing in 2008. at that time as you recall the economy was plummeting he, timothy geithner, was head of the federal reserve bank of new york. at issue is what actions he took with respect to a benchmark interest rate called libor. now libor isn't a word we use a lot but it is how much changes charge to lend to each other and banks are lending money to each other all the time. because of that, libor trickles down to affect us, affecting interest rates of all kinds of loans we need. in fact, more than $800 trillion in securities and loans are linked to libor and that includes basic needs for every family like the interest rate on your car loan, on your home loan. in fact if you have an adjustable rate mortgage, that mortgage is also likely