so, people are a little bit smarter than that. they may think do we want a sequel to the barack obama movie or don't we? bill, i had this interesting thought when i was driving in. and thinking about liberals and hollywood and hipsters and how they all drive prius, right? >> bill: right. >> what percentage of them would still drive a prius if it was made by g.m.? >> bill: i don't know. what percentage? >> do you think it would be quite a bit less? >> bill: i don't know. because toyota makeshe prius. you think they like the japanese? >> i think they don't like this country. i think if g.m. made a prius, michael moore wouldn't drive it. and probably neither would the rest of the hollywood community. >> bill: that's the point i was making in the previous segment with gretchen carlson, culture warriors, there are hard core 15% of people who are americans who don't like the country. do you think the hollywood left doesn't like america? do you really think that?