>> we should stress you're an encyclopedia on that. at that point, president-elect was unpopular and john kerry, 6 to # points ahead. >> there are a few examples this year of republican candidates, senator hellers from nevada, not going to the republican national convention. so there's about five of them. but if you look at the amount of democrats not going to the democratic national convention, we're well over a dozen candidates and those elected running for reelection. there's more to come, this is a very high number. >> if you're the president and get reelected, do you remember the folks who dissed in. >> in some cases i think he probably encourages them to -- i think in claire mccass cal as case he probably suggests she doesn't. he wants to retain the senate if he wants to get anything done. it's his advantage to have those do what they have to do to stay in office.