congressional inquiries. clearly darrell isa suspects a cover-up in the justice department, and the justice department wasn't telling congress what it knew about fast and furious and the subpoena apparently has been narrowed to focus quite specifically on that stuff. >> greta: what's surprising about the "washington post" interview, it was the attorney general saying, whoa is me, i'm the target, so is the president having no insight that this is an investigation into the murder of a border agent actually two border agents. i was surprised he thought the focus was all about him. it sort of -- you know, it sort of denigrated, you know, the effort to really sort of get of information for the family, and for the american people. >> he's right that there are a lot of conflicts between republicans in congress and the justice department about things like immigration about things like voter id, about terrorist intentions, but none of those resulted in the attorney general being cited in contempt.