americans will lose their employer health insurance. >> reporter: in fact the new law cost about a trillion dollars over the first ten years, four of which are before the law takes full effect beginning in 2014. the ten year cost of the bill is estimated by some to be $2.6 trillion and the administration argues it will not add to the deficit, meaning taxes of some kind will have to cover it. the administration has laid out more than 400 billion in increased taxes and 500 billion in cuts to medicare. but the chief actuary of medicare says this money cannot be spent elsewhere. listen. >> the claim was medicare is going to be cheaper miraculously so we have this money we can use to spend on a brand-new entitlement program. if the first part isn't true you've got to spend that money on medicare, you can't spend it a second time on the insurance entitlement. >> reporter: that could present a problem to the president to come up with other revenues, even though he pledged not to increase taxes on the middle class. >> if your family earns less

Related Keywords

Law ,Bill ,Reporter ,Fact ,Cost ,Urging Americans ,Effect ,Health Insurance ,Claw Cost ,2014 ,Four ,Ten ,Uncertainty ,Administration ,Taxes ,Kind ,Deficit ,On Medicare ,400 Billion ,2 6 Trillion ,500 Billion ,6 Trillion ,Money ,Claim ,Isnt True ,Entitlement Program ,Elsewhere ,Chief Actuary ,President Obama ,Family ,Problem ,Insurance ,Entitlement ,Class ,Revenues ,

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