in denying nonconsenting states all medicaid funding. it continues. these parts of the act are central to its design and operation, and all the acts and provision wos not have been even ablgted withou enacted without them. in our view it means the entire statute is inoperative. megyn: we need to figure out what is going on with this medicaid ruling. if you have people who are getting healthcare through this act from the medicaid provision, which the court has technically upheld, but seems to have given states and out clause on, saying -- juan williams is in my ear. if they are saying to the states, you don't really have to comply with the medicaid provisions of this healthcare act then you're talking about tens of millions of americans in states if they choose not to follow the affordable healthcare act who are no longer going to be covered.

Related Keywords

Medicaid ,Fact ,Parts ,Operation ,Design ,Facts ,Ablgted Withou ,Nonconsenting ,Provision Wos ,People ,Health Care ,Landmark Ruling ,Statute ,View ,Megyn Kelly ,Inoperative ,Supreme Court ,States ,Us ,Saying ,Medicaid Provision ,Clause On ,Juan Williams ,Ear ,Tens Of Millions Americans ,Provisions ,Affordable Healthcare Act ,

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