say no deal, and then they say you can't see it because of executive privilege. so even if they have a completely pure hand, they have made it look so suspicious. >> my sense is it is not a completely pure hand. >> but hypothetically. >> but we know the facts. and there's already indications there's been discussions generally at the highest levels of the justice department, which by the very requirement that you get approvals for certain of these things, and getting pretty close to the top and we know thatler, the firstler drafted including editing from the head of the criminal division. >> we will find out tomorrow maybe a little more. >> we will. >> thank you, sir. >> thanks, greta. >> now to california where tensions are running sky high in the city of stockton. this week the city. stockton will file bankruptcy, being the largest u.s. city ever to file for bankruptcy. it will be a blow to stockton residents, especially city employees and retirees. they will lose most city-funded health benefits and at a city council meeting residents expressing their outrage over years of financial