they say the ninth circuit should not have even joined it without discovering more about how it would actually play out. for now this case goes back to the ninth circuit with that one piece still in play but the other three struck down. bill: the ninth circuit is san francisco, right. >> it's based on the west coast. there are several sittings, that is one of the sittings that includes arizona. bill: this applies direction to section 6 if i have it right. and section 6 authorizes state and local police, as you've been describing, to arrest immigrants without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe they've committed a crime. that could be robbery -- is that a fair -- >> i'm sorry to interrupt you, actually that is one of the sections that was struck down. the one upheld is section 2b, which allows them if they stop someone, have a reasonable suspicion about their status in this country, to determine, go through with determining their illegal immigration status or legal immigration status. the section you referenced, making an arrest based on probable cause but without a