to try to get spending in response to an increase in the debt ceiling and came out looking terrible for trying to do if you step back and look at it. the things that they promised to do. even among the people that support them they didn't come out looking good. so sure, you bet there are ri k risks. >> chris: kirsten? >> any time they are not tal talking about the economy the romney campaign is going to be unhappy and there is a risk of overreach and they are already unpopular and feeds into a story line that exists which is congress is partisan and finger pointing. >> chris: put yourself in the hands of the obama white house. happy to have this happening because they are not focusing on the economy and there is a lot of focus on the house republicans? >> i think they are always happy to change the subject off their dismal jobs record. >> chris: thank you panel. you answered that question quickly. check out panel plus where the group picks up with the discussion and we will let her say another word. we will post the video before