in february of 2011 a little over a year ago, the justice scalia tick -- a little over a year ago the justice department sent a letter to senator grassley saying there had been no gun walking operation where they let guns go over the board. in december of 2011 they had to send another letter to congress saying that wasn't true, retracting the letter. that is why february of 2011 is a big date. cockmacongressman issa you talt finding the truth but refused to hold public hearing with the people at phoenix atf who ran the operation. you refused to hold a public hearing with the former head of atf, kennell son th ken nelson. he has testifyd that he he never told the higher ups at justice department about fast and furious. >> no, chris -- >> chris: he testifyd that he did tell them. >> well, we will get to that in a second. and you also in the case of these letters you are seeking