that's why they're healthy. they don't bring it up. they don't drink or smoke, no coffee, don't talk about religion on the dinner table. >> bob: you couldn't get five miles of the temple. >> eric: i spend a lot of time with numbers and statistics and 18% of anything, if you have 82% of anything you are doing pretty darn well. >> dana: that's what i thought. >> this is not a non-study. the only time it gets a little interesting is when you mention when you break it apart by party. so if you are a democrat, you are, you have a 24% chance of not voting for mitt romney because he is a mormon. if you're republican substantially lower thannism thought the democrats -- i thought the democrats were party of openness. equality. inclusion. turns out they're substantia substantially more concerned with romney mormonism. >> bob: the numbers are consistent. they're substantially committed to keeping you away. fact of the matter is this is across the board among people