people now and when they knew it, what the fed knows and is doing with our money, and how much they are doing it, there is a commonality here. >>guest: and it is not a go time to be on this part of the calendar. and russian debt crisis and asian currency crisis not late summer months, it is looking like a very bad summer to me, a slow down certainly in the economy but just being a market watcher and what i tell my clients when the market moves up or down because of what the fed says or what is coming from europe that is not a good sign that means the market is not comfortable and we will have a big move one way or the other. >> so this summer this is an expression go away in may and come back later, something like that, but is that wise because it will be a bumpy summer? >> not we get solutions from europe, that is a long way away. a couple days ago after the greek election it is a mess. i would say be careful. yes, maybe come back at the end of the year and we have the