with that. bret barnes, executive editor of "weekly standard." juan williams, columnist with the hill. syndicated columnnist charles krauthammer. >> i asked brit about this earlier and it does seem strange, the back an forth. attorney general holder offering a briefing, not the documents. what is your sense of this? >> my sense is the ball is not in issa's court. it's in holder's court. all he has to do is one thing. obey the subpoena. hand over the documents. he clearly doesn't want to do this. this is nixonian. i remember back to watergate and i covered some of it; particularly, the hearing. president nixon would do strange things to not turn over documents, subpoena by the senate watergate committee. at one press conference he had transcripts and volumes stacked up behind him. a speech he gave. he said, senator john stennis of mississippi can come look at the documents. senator stennis who he called

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Bret Barnes ,Attorney General ,Forth ,Holder ,Juan Williams ,The Hill ,Weekly Standard ,Syndicated Columnnist ,Charles Krauthammer ,Documents ,Briefing ,Thing ,Sense ,Subpoena ,Darrell Issa ,Hand ,Court ,Ball ,One ,Things ,It ,Some ,Hearing ,Nixon ,Nixonian ,Watergate Committee ,Look ,Senator Stennis ,Speech ,Senate ,Volumes ,Transcripts ,Press Conference ,Mississippi ,

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