becoming an imperial president, thinking he's king. >> i think the chances of that are low. we are in a political season, you will hear a lot of crazy things said. the white house would feel better if they were just coming from the right. what next, is he going to be richard fillmore? i think the president should be out there giving people a vision of what is going to carry the nation forward. i did not like the speech he gave in whao*euzs ohio, i think it was too much look back, that's why people hired him. if he breaks up with some of these folks like barack maybe he'll have a chance to change that opinion. megyn: josh, brad, thank you both so much. coming up in "kelly's court" in our next hour we'll talk about whether this is legal. is the president i within his rights to give this pass to 800,000 illegal immigrants in this country? we'll have the lawyers take a look at it. plus, we're getting a much better picture today of the new controversy in the trayvon