into health insurance and pay premiums when they are not sick, so you get the money coming in and you can use it for people who are sick, if that goes away, premiums are going to go up as the insurance companies struggle to cover people with pre he ca preexisting conditions, cover the kids up to the page of 26, no lifetime limits. all the bells and whistles stay in, that's going to cost and you better believe the insurance companies will transfer the costs on to the patients, and also cut doctors' fees, because doctors are low-hanging fruit. bill: that is part one. i want to point out you like the idea about covering those with preexisting conditions, and new york state already does that, i'm clear on that, right. >> you are clear on that, bill. bill: what if the whole law was struck down, what happens? >> if the whole law is struck down, i think that is unlikely because that is a big piece to bite off here, we will go back to where this all started, looking for solutions. looking at the questions that i always brought up, is insurance

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