>> this is called a holographic will. >> judge jeanine: and it will be determined hopefully soon. why is it that this will that is signed by him is not capable of being accepted in court? >> well, it might ultimate le accepted.ltimately be at this time it is being litigated in the probate part as to whether that will ultimately take place what will be an issue as to whether it is in his hand and actually his will because right now it hasn't been proven yet. >> judge jeanine: and what we have got here and we have got the mistress and mrs. kincade fighting over $010 million and a house, $65 million for the paintings, whatever it is. mistress tries to get the guy arrested for domestic abuse, all right. she has the healthcare proxy. i spoke with her lawyer and he said look if she had the power to pull the plug if he he gave it to her why would people have such a hard time leav believeie