numbers we are seeing over the net worth comes out every 3 years, by the way, greta. it's already 18 months old. yes, it is tie to the buying power of u.s. households, tied to their house and their stock portfolios, but both of those categories have picked up over the last 18 months and the survey only talks to 4500 households. it is a sliver of a fraction of 1% of allus households. and the other thing it is pointing out in the survey, if you are going to take it on face value, you can't solve income inequality through housing, that was a mistake in d.c., we have a service economy. we have a thriving service economy in health care, information technology and legal services, all of that. yes, we have the manufacture base. but we still are continuing out of d.c., we are careening in episodic ways to fix prior problems. >> greta: is part of the problem, if your net worth