>> sean: that was easy. quick. but that shows the character -- not just 41, but the whole family. that's the family. >> mother, father, whole family? let me show something here, we call "still in the game." i want to you watch this. this is great. >> i have been in boats all my life. you learn the currents, you learn the show waters. i'm at peace. i just love t. i can't do sports i have lived my whole life doing. nobody asked me to be on the team anymore. i used to stand around. no, no, you. take you, you, you you. i am standing, nobody wants me because i can't move very well. this is a metaphor. but i miss it. boats, i am still in the game. now i am privileged to have a very fast boat, a very powerful boat. everyone wants to go on t. it's a wonderful, wonderful outlet for me.