crap i come up with. cuomo and de criminalizing pot. do you favor legalizing them or de criminalizing them? >> i do. i think it will be a long process. i don't think you can snap major inning ifers -- your fingers and make it happen. regulate it, tax it, control it. absolutely. >> or maybe make it legal and not tax it. tax a lot less of everything. >> i agree with that. >> that's a question i had for governor johnson. you talk about colorado. the thing about legalizing, people always say, you legalize it and you can regulate it. as a libertarian, shouldn't you want them to legalize it and not regulate it? >> i agree with that completely, but there is a pallet ability that goes along with taxing it and regulating it, the notion that we are going to do this like alcohol. that's what is on the ballot. regulate marijuana like alcohol. california regulates marijuana like wine. i think that tells a whole story in and of itself. it gives the pallet ability to potentially passing it. >> that's a good point.