were in business it would be a good idea to do this. businesses in this country have tons of cash, they are in great fiscal shape. they are not in the same situation as the government. it's not a fair comparison. jenna: how do you get the government with the cash stockpiles and not just the corporation. >> we have to get the economy growing. you have to get out of the way of the entrepreneurs. one great line i heard from an entrepreneur is hire great people and then get out of their way. let them need to do what they need to do. we have great entrepreneurs, we need light regulation, some, but let them get out of the fail. let them fail if they fail, succeed if they success. jenna: the entrepreneurs are still operating in the country that the cbo says the end of the year will have the debt being 70% of your gross domestic product. how difficult is it to start a company in an economy like this?