hard working families of the state between $16 million and $20 million to put this all on again. the fear is if we are to go down in defeat on tuesday are we going to see a nationwide arcade game of recall pinball. plug in $16 million and you get the exact poe let cal -- to exact political evenge on folks you disagree with. folks that would stand up to special interests like we have in wisconsin. >> shannon: i know that you and governor walker are on separate ballots. i know that you you are supportive of his policies and the decisions he made. i want to give you a chance to respond to the criticism from the milwaukee mayor tom barrett. he says that growth in wisconsin actually lagged behind other states in the region and that you had the deepest education cuts in state history. how do you you respond? >> well, he will tell you, the mayor of milwaukee is throwing stones right now because he has got a desperate campaign in the final hours.