personal income is up. david is right, wisconsin ranks 50th but toby pointed out and the fact is they ranked 50th before he started. the same argument that da david and the left would make for are obama is what is happening with the trend and the trend is turning around in all of the metrics that matter. so what the real question is. >> come on, gary, where are you geting that information? >> you got to let me finish. >> hold on. >> what we are really deciding here is free market versus managed economy. governor walker basically is opposed be unions. what the unions want is to manage the economy. it works better for them. what governor walker wants is more of a free market. what happened with the freer market? as we pointed out 30 seconds guy all the metrics are starting to turn in the free market's favor. >> i got to get everybody in here but then i will give you a chance to respond, david. jonas, go ahead. >> every state in the union pretty much has a better employment picture and tax revenue picture are and personal income picture than they had two years ago. it is not just, ohio.