implanted surgically in her body. he says there was a group of doctors on board this airplane that apparently checked her out, and didn't find any scarring or any signs that she had recently had a surgery. and now fox news has confirmed that the authorities say this woman did not pose a threat. there you see the plane on the tarmac in bangor, maine. it's been pulled to the side. the passengers have left the plane. they are now being rebooked. this thing was actually intercepted by two f-15 fighter jets at 9:40 this morning when this bomb threat came over. it was escorted to bangor, maine. it is u.s. airways flight 787, it's a 767 with 179 passengers on board, and nine crew members, and now you see it on the ground there. i mean, clearly, this comes -- yeah i want to play this for you. we have the cockpit audio, listen.