it started the strategy. and i think so far, president obama has to be -- and david axelrod had to be somewhat floored on how badly the attacks on bain capital are going. certainly not as planned. >> are you talking about the fact that three prominent democrats thus far have come out publicly to say that they do not agree with president obama's strategy? i'm thinking of harold ford, i'm thinking of cory booker on "meet the press" on sunday and also steve ratner who was the car czar. those three have -- and he ran a private equity firm. those three have basically denounced the president's attack on mitt romney. but yesterday during a press conference, the president was asked that question immediately. do you believe mitt romney is responsible for the jobs lost in the companies that bain capital took over? do you agree with what cory booker said or what's your response to that and what do you really feel about private equity? here's the president's new response. >> saying i'm a business guy and i know how to fix it and this is his business. and when you're president as

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President Obama ,President ,Bain Capital ,Fact ,Attacks ,Strategy ,Democrat ,David Axelrod ,Three ,Cory Booker ,Private Equity Firm ,Meet The Press ,Car Czar ,Steve Ratner ,Harold Ford ,Have ,On Sunday ,Question ,Jobs ,Mitt Romney ,Companies ,Attack ,Press Conference ,Dont Attack Private Equity ,Business Guy ,Business ,Response ,

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