she cared for me and provided me food and shelter and then when my mom was here, she talked to my adopted mom louise zak son. >> who was your mother's translator. >> who was my mama's translator in bethesda. >> your mother's translator wound up adopting you. >> yes. >> after your mother died. >> after my mother died. >> of cancer. >> that's incredible. you go through this and you feel as though you can't do enough for the people, the coast guard that saved you because you guys were lost. nothing but blue water all around you and they saved you. is that what spurred this move? >> yes, when i was there, my mom told me about it and she said the coast guard is the one that saved you. ok, i looked into it. and then i went through a weekend which is a weekend where minorities come and experience the coast guard and stay overnight. and i fell in love with it because of the mission, you know, they told me they could be

Related Keywords

Mom ,Mother ,Food ,Translator ,Mama ,Shelter ,Louise Zak Son ,Cancer ,Yes ,In Bethesda ,One ,Guys ,People ,Water ,Coast Guard ,Nothing ,Move ,Weekend ,Love ,Search And Rescue Mission ,Minorities ,

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