qualified. if i tell somebody, you should vote for this guy and i'm wrong? what i find is he's hypocrital saying, you know, the 1 beers -- and he's a multi-millionaire now. they are not paying their fair share. i knowledge going to george clooney's house to get money from millionaires and billionaires. and wall street is bad guys. but i have to go to a dinner with wall street people. >> sean: i have to roll. how could you vote $5 trillion in debt? we have a net loss of jobs. he has done nothing for the economy. he promised -- >> now -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: he is demonizing you and others? >> yeah, i think he should -- instead of making people victims of people who are successful, we should be telling peep, look, you are having a hard time. i feel bad for you. let's look at what you are doing and teach you how to succeed and give you the tools to succeed, instead of turning everybody into victims. a victim mentality is what he is