fundraising events in efforts to avoid potentially embarrassing photos or videos. finally $129,000. that's how much seminole county florida schools spent on ipads for top administrators. the school system reportedly facing a big budget crunch nonetheless. brian? >> all right. the department of justice and f.b.i. now launching their own criminal probe into the $2 billion trade loss that j.p. morgan suffered. the s.e.c. is already conducting their own investigation so why is eric holder's justice department getting involved? fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr., i'm asking the same question, peter. why is it necessary for the attorney general to put himself into -- >> well, we don't know what happened. so i think in some ways, it's appropriate that there be an investigation. the same way there should be a proceed bust investigation into fast and furious that the attorney general's office doesn't seem to really have conducted. but is it going to go anywhere in the end? we know that j.p. morgan chase