statement that he is now, he has evolved to same sex marriage support. it's going to be interesting to see what's going on here as we see more polls overtime. but that's really the only variable at work here. >> bill: the economy though is getting shakier and shakier this week the market did very poorly. jp morgan are they out of business now? did wendy's buy them? something happened. i didn't quite understand what it. >> it was $2 billion trading loss at least as as far as we know right now. that shook, obviously the banking industry sector in the markets, the markets themselves. >> bill: right. it was as jamie diamond the considered to be the top banker in the country. it was stupid. it was egregious. >> bill: what do they do? just have more bad loans? >> they made decisions to use derivatives which is, of course. >> bill: buy other people's loans if they can't pay up. they haven't learned their lesson? >> i think that's what jamie

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