don't have to call it a gift and then no taxes. >> exactly. >> pab, do you think there might be a travolta press conference coming up, or do you think this will go away like the book did? they had a book that went away. >> "battlefield earth" didn't hurt his career, so i don't think this will. have i to correct you. you said masseuse. if it is a guy it is a masseur. >> could i have rhymed with masseur? >> it is hard to rhyme. >> that is hard. >> door. if you have a boston accent. door. >> this is what happens in our office. sit and rhyme words. >> has a sexy masseur put john's career in manure. >> and now he is going out the backdoor. >> bernie, you don't have to rhyme. >> please, rhyme. >> what is your take on this? have you been following this