terrorism here -- vigilant against terrorism here an abroad. to continue this, around the anniversary of the usama bin laden killing, this is what u.s. officials were saying at the time. >> yes, we said publicly, there is no credible reporting right now that there is an active plot underway to coincide with the anniversary of the bin laden take-down. but the counterterrorism community is used to making sure that we are as vigilant as possible to guard against terrorist group to mark such a day. >> there is no credible information about anything pinned to the one-year anniversary. but we as always ask americans to be vigilant. >> bret: the intelligence chairs on capitol hill said they were briefed an hour ago on this. bring in the panel. steve hayes for "weekly standard." charles lane, opinion writer for the "washington post." syndicated columnnist charles krauthammer. okay, steve, what do you make of this? >> as you say, there is a lot more we don't know than what