that is spending more money that we do not have that taxpayers are going to ultimately have to cough up. and they're always so good at dressing it up and making it sound like such a good idea, by talking about the students. indeed, this will help a lot of students, and you know, that'so that makes everybody feel real good. but the real problem here is that when these people talk about banks and talk about credit card companies and talk about all these big businesses that jack up rates and fees and things like that on customers, why doesn't anybody talk about what universities and colleges do? jon: because the cost increases in universities and colleges has been going up faster than the rate of inflation for years. >> it's incredible. we're talking, you know, double digit, eight, nine, 10 percent increases every single year, and granted, i'm no genious about these things, but i don't know what more you're getting out of college today than you were ten, 15, 20 years ago.