have lost congressional seats. so what we were seeing is, congressional member on congressional member primaries which john lars sown one of the key democratic members in the house called gut-wrenching and heart rendering. for steve king, republican from iowa, who has a newly drawn district it means a challenge. >> once you realize that will be the way it will be you have to accept it. we'll do this and do this right and we'll have fun with it. it will take us to another level. part of me welcomes the challenge and, you know, is, as odds that that may seem there is part of me that welcomes that challenge. i want to be tested. >> reporter: congressman king says his new district is 45% of the his current constituents. 55% new people. facing chris at this vilsack well-known name in iowa married to the agriculture secretary. for king it means introducing himself to a lot of new constituents.