are all these hearings at taxpayer expense worth the taxpayer dollars to get to the bottom of the taxpayer ways? >> absolutely. i always say the g.s.a. scandal is only the tip of the iceberg. i think i revealed here in october of 2010, i came on this show, this report, the federal government must stop sitting on its assets and who is the biggest -- who is the biggest offender? it was g.s.a. and it took this kind of scandal to actually show people that -- that the biggest property holder, landowner and landlord for the government is sitting on 14,000 vacant or partially vacant buildings and properties costing us billions a year, not just millions in waste. >> now we know so much more about what else is going on at the g.s.a. congressman john mica, keep us posted. >> good to be with you, thank you. the government cracking down on free speech making it a crime to protest near the secret service. what happened to free speech? judge napolitano said there's

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