something completely different. who would you want? >> dirk bentley. >> and you would have him hang around you all the time? >> come to my birthday party and have a concert. >> this is it. i'm telling you, people will pay to have your hole hologram perform at their birthday party. >> and then we can turn them off after five minutes as they hired a pig. from holograms to snorting grams. were they doing blow while protecting bho? the staff at the hotel where the secret service scandal went down says members of the president's group was doing coke. this guy said he was among the hotel employees who went to an agent's room during the mess saying, quote, the room was littered with two whisk key bottles. how is that littered? and there what is a line of white powder i believe to be cocaine that was on top of a round, black table in the room. come on, that's baby powder.