the september passed a budget. this week's promised markup, amounting to sliewtion nothing. now the senate budget committee ranking member says, dont send washington a dime. >> if you won't tell the american people where are you going to spend the money, how much debt you are going to run up, how much spending you are going to cut or not cut, i don't think the american people ought to send another dime to this place. not another dime! >> house budget committee chair paul ryan is steamed about the senate's fail tower come up with a budget. we spoke with him earlier tonight. congressman, nice to see you. >> great to be back. >> harsh words, i see quoted that you have for the senate chairman about the senate chairman of the budget committee, the fact they are not bringing their budget to the floor and such terms as embarrassing spectacle. >> it is. we have a law that says you have to pass a budget every april. they haven't followed the law for 3 years. >> figet caught speeding, i get