when they finally got me, had a heart operation they said son, you a heart now of a 20-year-old and the rest of your body organs. i took personal responsibility for it. i am so tired of jumping all over us because we smoke. it's none of your business. >> andrea: liberals like discrimination sometimes. isn't this a form of discrimination? this is discrimination they like? >> dana: for health, yeah, for health reasons. take this to the next logical step. then obesity, remember there was something not long ago that said if you were overweight you couldn't get a job at certain place because it would cost the company more in health benefits. the margaret oriented solutions for healthcare make the most sense. the other thing they say in this is one of the arguments against it is it will shrink the available pool of workers. i think sometimes if you think about personal responsibility and health you might think that a smoker knows that it could harm them may not make