i would never insult my employees to take time off when they needed me the most. it's disgraceful. >> sean: good luck at the um summit. i hope you do well there. not sure opening up the trade with cuba but good luck. thank you for being with us. sneak peek of greta and what is come up in 18 minutes when greta van susteren goes on the record. >> greta: are we on? beckel told me when you trick him. >> sean: not on the air. >> greta: so i can swear like a sailor? now the sailors will be mad at me. >> sean: leave him alone. he has had a bad 24 hours. >> greta: oh, c'mon, i love beckel. anyway, tonight we talk about gsa and they never stop surprising us, as well as the secret service. brit hume is here to talk about what is going on in the senate. maybe a budget. don't hold your breath. but there is news. we talk about the gas prices and representative christie nome is here to tell you about the tea party. that much more. back to you.